Because of bullying.. a child says to his mother: I want someone to kill me

Hazel Magazine
Because of bullying a child  wishes to die and he says to his mother I want someone to kill me

Social media activists circulated facebook and Twitter video showing a 9-year-old Australian boy named Quaden suffering from "stunting", which exposed him to ridicule and bullying from his schoolmates.

The video posted by the shattered child's mother, Yarraka Bayles, shows the child begging her to give him a rope to kill himself after being bullied at school for stunting. She filmed her son Quaden crying in the car after she picked him up from school.

The child kept telling his mother: “Give me a rope, I want to kill myself.” In the sad video clip, which has been viewed more than three million times, Quaden said, "I just want to stab myself in the heart ... I want someone to kill me."

Then Quaden pointed on his neck and said: "I want to die ... I want to slaughter myself" while his stunned mother suffocated with tears.

MsBayles publicly shared the video on Facebook in an attempt to raise awareness about the impact of bullying, and she said that she usually tries to keep sad moments like these especially among the family, but she felt that she was left without a choice, and that the solution she found was to share the video publicly.

And she said in the video, "We try to be as strong as possible and only share the bright points ... but this is the effect of bullying on a nine-year-old child."

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