North Korea seized $2 billion in cyberattacks

Hazel Magazine
1 minute read

 By David Clayton             August 6, 2019

North Korea has seized an estimated $2 billion to fund its weapons of mass destruction programs using large-scale and sophisticated cyberattacks that have enabled it to rob banks and steal digital currency transfers, a confidential UN report shows.

Pyongyang "continued to develop its nuclear and missile programs but did not conduct a nuclear test or an intercontinental ballistic missile test," said the report, drawn up by independent experts monitoring the six-month sanctions compliance to the North Korean Sanctions Committee at the Security Council.

According to Reuters, North Korea's mission to the United Nations did not respond to a request for comment on the report submitted to the Security Council committee last week.

Experts said North Korea has used cyberspace to launch highly sophisticated attacks to steal money from financial institutions and digital currency transfers for monetisation," and to launder stolen money as well.

"Elements working for the DEMOCRATIC People's Republic of Korea on the Internet, many of whom are acting under the direction of the Military Intelligence Service, have raised funds to finance weapons of mass destruction programs and the total amounts are estimated so far at up to $2 billion," the report said.

UN experts said that despite ongoing diplomatic efforts with North Korea, "our investigations show ongoing violations" of UN sanctions.

"For example, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea continued to violate sanctions by transporting illegal goods from one ship to another and purchasing goods related to weapons of mass destruction and luxury goods," the report said.


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