Denying an American player after a doping test .. The result is "pregnant"

Hazel Magazine
1 minute read

 By Terry Boggarti              August 6, 2019

The latest American basketball player, a big surprise, recently, after it appeared in medical analysis that he is "pregnant", but it later turned out that it was the "crafty" trick that caused the uproar.

According to press reports, Donnell Digi Cooper was banned from playing in Europe by international decision after dramatic medical analyses.

The American athlete played in Greece and France, having found himself excluded from the NBA list earlier.

In 2018, the player left the French team AC Monaco, for reasons he said were family, and this returned to the forefront after he recently failed a medical test.

While preparing to join a Bosnian basketball team, Cooper had to undergo medical analyses, providing a urine sample as usual.

After the urine sample was tested, it was found to contain hormones that are usually excreted in pregnant women.

When looking into the matter, it was found that the sample provided belonged to the player's girlfriend, who apparently did not know about the pregnancy.

Under the International Basketball Association, Cooper was banned from a game until June 2020 because of his involvement in a fraud.

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