More than 5000 ATMs worldwide

Hazel Magazine
1 minute read
The total number of Bitcoin ATMs around the world reached 5000

The total number of Bitcoin ATMs around the world reached 5000, according to the monitor vendor CoinATMRadar on June 24. 

According to the latest statistics, there are now 5006 independent ATMs in about 90 countries where cryptocurrency users can buy or sell BTC, some machines offer both services simultaneously.

The data goes beyond a long period of growth in the Bitcoin ATM sector, where the US is leading the trend as more and more sites and formats emerge.

June saw a total of 150 new installations, about 6 per day. General Byte recently surpassed Genesis Quinn as a manufacturer with the largest number of ATMs installed for Bitcoin.   

According to Cointelegraph, in 2019, not only the classic ATM models are expanded, but also the other methods of buying Bitcoin. In a deal earlier this year, the Queen Star Coin Operators Company provided the function of BTC to more than 2,200 locations in the United States. The United States currently has more than half of the world's Bitcoin ATMs with 3229 devices, and has a new trial plan this month that moves machines to Circle K stores in Arizona and Nevada. Mark Greenz, president and co-founder of DigitalMint, said in a press release on June 20: "We are delighted to partner with a respected organization like Circle K. This partnership opens the door to a massive expansion of access to new markets all over the world."   

Increased competition in the Bitcoin ATM market is likely to reduce fees on users transaction, which tend to be significantly higher than online alternatives. Other personal options, such as coupon purchases, are also popular with users keen to avoid demanding identity requirements.  

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