In 4 golden tips... Science reveals the correct way to prepare tea

Hazel Magazine

Tea for millions around the world is a magic solution that improves mood, relaxes, promotes digestion, and is popular drink because it is cheap & easy.Tea for millions around the world is a magic solution that improves mood, relaxes, promotes digestion, and is popular drink because it is cheap and easy to prepare.

But hey, the right way to make tea is not that easy, put the tea bag in a cup and pour boiling water and stirring.

According to Mark Meudonick, a researcher at London University College who spoke to the BBC, there are 4 simple scientific tips for everyone to follow to prepare a perfect cup of tea:

1— Use loose tea, not tea bags, where the bags act on the taste as they do not allow the plant grains to move freely.

If you do not like to enter the tea granules of your mouth, you can filter the tea after preparation, or use large tea bags that allow the grains to move freely inside.

2— Use filtered water through a "filter" not tap water, because the latter usually contain high proportions of calcium salts, which affect the taste and appearance of tea.

The calcium salts prevent tea granules from producing the flavor they contain, Myodonic says.

3— Monitor the temperature according to the type of tea you are preparing. While black tea needs boiled water (100 ° C) to produce its distinctive flavors, making green tea of ​​the same grade makes it bitter.

The researcher believes that green tea needs less heat (80 ° C), to prepare a perfect cup.

4— Do not rush to drink tea, do not walk the easy way to pour hot water on the tea and then replace it immediately.

But the magic key to making tea properly is to leave the granules out of each bowl. The plant contains more than 30 thousand chemicals that give it the distinctive flavor, which needs about 8 minutes after water pouring, according to Myodonic.

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