Why do you have to eat apples every day? Science answers
personHazel Magazine
July 27, 2019
Studies suggest that apples may be a healthy food with high nutritional value. It is rich in important body fibers, antioxidants and flavonoids, making it one of the best foods for the heart.
Several scientific studies have been linked to lower risk of diabetes and apple fruit regularly, according to Standard Media.
Apples contain useful nutrients that promote good intestinal bacteria and include compounds that help fight asthma and prevent cancer and are useful for weight loss.
Doctors and nutritionists say one medium-sized apple contains 95 calories, as well as fiber, which makes a person feel full, making him an ideal diet for fitness seekers.
Apple can be eaten cooked, cooked, dried or juicy, and there are more than 100 types of apples around the world, 8 of which are grown in Kenya.
Many people who follow a healthy diet use peanut butter, which is light, nutritious and healthy, and fills the stomach quickly, enhancing the feeling of fullness.
Thin dried apple slices, much like potato chips, are a good and healthy alternative for children.
Apple pie, one of the most famous pies in many restaurants and cafes, is one of the many dessert dishes, especially since it is low in calories.