Horror in the streets of Athens after a strong earthquake

Hazel Magazine

A powerful earthquake struck the Greek capital of Athens on Friday, causing communications disruptions and triggered panic among the population.

The Athens Institute of Geo-dynamics has determined the magnitude of the quake at 5.1 degrees, the Associated Press reported.

The agency's correspondent stated that the earthquake had frightened residents, who had left their homes and took to the streets of Athens.

There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage.

Greece, particularly west and south of the Peloponnese peninsula, is located on large seismic faults, constantly exposing Earth to earthquakes, but rarely causing casualties.

In July 2017, an earthquake measuring 6.7 degrees hit the tourist island of Kos, killing two people and causing considerable material damage.

In September 1986, a 6.2 magnitude earthquake in Kalamata, the largest city in the province of Messenia, killed 20 people.

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