Wrong daily habits damage hair

Hazel Magazine
Wrong daily habits damage hair

When it comes to hair care, there are some simple steps you can take to get healthy and strong hair.

Many cosmetic experts have confirmed that some erroneous daily practices may lead to hair damage altogether. So, we'll give you some valuable tips to help you take care of your hair well.

Wrong daily habits damage hair:

Exposure to sunlight for long periods 

Hair exposure to the sun during the afternoon (especially) and for long periods cause hair damage and loss of nutrients due to the high temperature of the weather at this time, leading to the evaporation of natural oils in hair and also exposes hair to ultraviolet rays, which leads to harm the health of hair. Avoid getting off at noon only in extreme cases or wearing accessories to protect the hair from the sun as a hat.

A severe diet

Following a diet for fast weight loss or so-called severe diet causes damage to hair health as a result of the body's loss of many nutrients needed and not compensated, causing some aesthetic problems such as hair loss, so it is recommended to have a balanced diet to protect against aesthetic hair problems.

Wash hair in a daily basis 

Majority of women think that washing the hair continuously in a daily basis is a healthy habit for the hair that protects it from the damage that may be exposed to it, but this belief is not true Washing hair causes loss of natural oils that nourish the hair and protect it from falling, so wash your hair properly the way match your hair quality, you can know your hair quality by consulting a hair care professional so that you can choose the right hair care products.

Hair care specialists are advised to wash the hair two times a week during the winter and three times in the summer and this can match all types of hair in general.

Use hair oils in excessive way

There is no doubt that the hot oil bath has many benefits for the health and softness of your hair. But do you know that using too much oil can lead to clogged pores, which causes many health problems and infections. Therefore, you can not use oils on hair more than once a week, and not recommended to distribute on the roots but on the tufts. If you use any of the oils to massage the scalp, rinse them immediately after an hour.

Use of harmful chemicals

Most types of non-medical cosmetic hair sprays and most of the hair care products from unknown sources or unauthorized manufacturer contains a huge proportion of harmful chemicals. And with the exposure of hair to those harsh elements, this may lead to falling and loss of hair. Avoid using these types of products as much as possible. Even shampoo and conditioner, it is recommended to choose organic ingredients and choose well safe products with natural ingredients .

Hair dyes

Hair coloring is one of the most important concerns of many girls. But there is nothing worse than using those products on your hair permanently. To reduce the risk to your hair during the dyeing process, consult the experts. It is not recommended to use excessive dyes to avoid damaging hair.

Cheap hair accessories

Hair pins, connectors and other hair accessories are bound to be of high quality. Cheap products are made from poor materials that damage the scalp. It also causes hair clots and shrapnel.

Comb wet hair

Wiping wet hair from the most dangerous habits followed by many girls. This causes the hair to pull out of the roots, increasing hair loss.

Excessive use for hair dryer

Using a hair dryer heavily exposes your hair to damage. Excess heat causes the extraction of natural oils from the hair, which causes severe dehydration. Use a hair dryer when necessary only, not excessively.

Lack of healthy nutrition

The health and vitality of your hair depends on your daily diet. With fast food and ready-to-eat meals, this is reflected in the health of your hair. If you want healthier & healthier hair, eat a healthy, balanced diet rich in protein and essential nutrients from minerals and vitamins.

Tips for Healthy Hair 

1- Stop using soap and use shampoos to clean hair.

2- combing hair every night before sleeping from the roots to the parties to stimulate blood circulation.

3- Put mustard oil or coconut on the fingers and scalp massage.

Do not change hair oil or cream frequently.

4- Eat foods containing vitamins "d, c, b" and iron and calcium.

5- Sleep early and keep the number of hours necessary for healthy hair.

6- Dry the hair after washing and do not tie it before drying.

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