What are the signs of vitamin D deficiency?

Hazel Magazine
Vitamin D deficiency mainly causes impaired levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood

Vitamin D deficiency mainly causes impaired levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, damaging bone density, and weakening immunity and muscle. 

Vitamin D deficiency may cause rickets, which is matched by (Osteoporosis) in adults. The most significant signs of Vitamin D deficiency are as follows:

1. Muscle, bone and muscle weakness: All patients of all ages.

2. Frequent exposure to infection and inflammation: Because of the weakness of the immune system in these patients.

3. Spasms in the muscles of the face, hands and feet: These may be the first signs of (Rickets).

4. The bones of the infected child's skull become tender.

5. Slow sitting and crawling: And slow closing of spaces between the bones of the skull, called (Fontanelles).

6. Bone growth imbalance: Leading to curvature of the spine, curvature of the legs, and thus delayed walking.

7. The ease of fractures: Especially pelvic fractures, in the elderly, even when exposed to simple hiccups or strokes.

8. Suffering from depression: Especially when the elderly.

9. Slow collusion wounds.

10. Hair loss.

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