70 new deaths from coronavirus and America confirms 12 infections

Hazel Magazine
China is trying hard to combat the spread of coronavirus within its territory

The Chinese authorities announced that the number of corona victims has increased to 70 deaths and 2,987 new cases of the virus in the province of Hubei, the epidemic spread center.

This brings the death toll from corona to 560 people and the number of people infected with the virus to 19,665 on Chinese soil.

On the other hand, the Wisconsin Health Services Administration said that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed the 12th infection with the new Corona virus in the United States.

The department said the case had been monitored in Wisconsin and that the patient had traveled to Beijing several times before his illness, and during his treatment in China he had treated people who had been found to be infected.

No information on the patient's condition has yet been available.

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