Qatar and Turkey, alliance sponsoring terrorist organizations

The Alliance of Extremism, Qatar and Turkey and sponsoring terrorist organizations

A report by the Foundation for Defense of Democracies documented the Qatari and Turkish role in supporting and financing terrorist organizations since the conflict in Syria began 8 years ago.

The Defense of Democracy Comprehensive Report stated that the alliance represented in Qatar, Turkey and the Al-Nusra Front contributed to the latter achieving field gains in some Syrian regions and enabled it to obtain military and financial supplies to confront the Syrian government forces.

Besides revealing the role of the Turkish-Qatari alliance in supporting and financing terrorist organizations since the conflict began in Syria 8 years ago, the report tracks the rise and unification of the coalition, which has become a growing threat to the interests of the United States and its allies in the Middle East and beyond.

The report revealed how this alliance, represented in Qatar, Turkey, and the Al-Nusra Front, which is an extension of Al-Qaeda in Syria, contributed to the latter achieving field gains in some Syrian regions, and enabled them to obtain military and financial supplies to confront the Syrian government forces.

And in this alliance, it formed from the partnership that made Qatar a funded, and a Turkey crossing, as Qatari money and weapons were transferred to the Al-Nusra Front across the Turkish-Syrian border.   

The report singled out a broader area of ​​what some call "the alliance of extremism", which means Turkey, Qatar and the Al-Nusra Front.

The coalition strengthened with the formation of a number of armed factions, what is known as the "Al-Fatah Army" led by the Al-Nusra Front to fight against the Syrian government in 2015.

The report says that the formation of the Al-Fatah army or the Army of Conquest, came with Qatari mediation and Turkish efforts, and stresses that were it not for the Turkish-Qatari support, the terrorist organization would not have succeeded in achieving field gains in Idlib and other areas of Syria.

It can be said that the tangle of relations and interests between Qatar and Turkey and the Al-Nusra Front is evident in several facts. For example, in 2013, Doha brokered a ransom payment of $ 150 million, for Al-Nusra, to release hostages belonging to Hezbollah, in exchange for the release of Turkish pilots, they were detained in Lebanon and transported on a Qatar Airways plane.

Multiple reports and evidence confirm Doha and Ankara's involvement in supporting this terrorist organization, a support that has taken advantage of humanitarian action as a cover for fundraising and channeling funds to support and other terrorist factions.

The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, which is based in Washington, DC, also shows how these governments work together to harbor terrorist financiers, encourage extremist ideology, support violent extremist groups across the Middle East, and sow regional instability in this process.

The report highlights the rapid growth of Qatari-Turkish relations, from 2002 to the present.

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