Woman rescues dog and takes care of for two years. Then going to kill her

Hazel Magazine

 By Julia Chang                November 06, 2019

An Ohio woman was found dead in her home, most likely killed by her dogs or one of them, police said on Friday.

Mary Matthews, 49, was found dead on Friday, local police told CNN.
The cause of death was identified by a "dog attack," said the town's police chief in Clear Creek. Matthews suffered multiple injuries before she died, according to the report.
Investigators found two large dogs at the scene, and blood covered the entire house.

The husband, Mark Matthews, found his wife was not responding to his calls on Friday and contacted authorities who had no information on when the attack took place.
Mark said his family rescued the dogs about two years ago, but one of them has become a savage lately, with some of his arm raised. He said he wanted to get rid of him, but his wife refused, saying she loved animals.

Authorities believe that one of the dogs attacked and injured the woman, but the latter "probably did not realize the severity of her injuries," as there is evidence that she changed her clothes and tried to clean the blood she bled with a towel.
Police said the victim suffered from chronic alcoholism and had taken several medications, which may have affected her ability to respond appropriately.


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