The Spanish magazine “Mejor Con Salud” published a report in which it pointed out that there are many myths and common ideas about the reasons for the appearance of Acne or facial blisters, but it is certain that some habits that are part of our daily routine contribute to the emergence or disappearance of this problem.
By adhering to certain rules, pimples can be eliminated, the magazine said. Contrary to what is common, pimples in the face are not the result of dirt or lack of attention to hygiene, but there are other reasons that must be known to choose the appropriate method of treatment.
The hair follicles in each of the pores of the skin produce a kind of fat to moisturize the hair and skin. When hormonal changes occur in the sebaceous glands, the production of these fats increases, resulting in clogged skin pores and confinement of dead cells and bacteria. When this blockage occurs in the skin, the fatty spots do not become black, but white spots appear less likely to rot, because they are not exposed to direct air.
First, one of the main causes of this disorder in the production of fat in the skin is hormonal changes that directly lead to the appearance of acne, especially in adolescence and in women and when taking the contraceptive pills.
Second:Cosmetics also clog pores, and facilitate the proliferation of bacteria and dead cells, which necessarily lead to the proliferation of blisters, especially when left on the face during the night, or not to remove them well.
Third:Sweat is another cause of acne, as its deposition over the skin leads to the appearance of a yeast called Pietrosporum foliculitis, which irritates the skin and closes the pores. Acne, which appears as a result of sweating, is particularly common in the back, arms and chest, but may also extend to the face.
Fourth:The magazine warned against touching pimples with the hands or trying to peel them, which creates a favorable environment for the breeding of bacteria and lead to infections. When the hands pass over the skin, dust, bacteria and fat move to it, which contributes to the closure of the pores and disruption of the natural moisturizing of the skin. When you try to stain, squeeze, or remove these pimples with your hands, we leave some fat and bacteria on the skin and cause it to irritate because of the pressure on it.
Fifth:Some skin experts believe that nervous tension increases the likelihood of suffering from pimples because this psychological state increases the production of cortisol and estrogen in the body.
Sixth:Diet is also related to this problem, where the American Academy of Dermatology emphasizes the existence of clear indications on the relationship between food and skin condition. Therefore, the Academy recommends reducing the consumption of foods rich in sugars and fats.
Seventh:Be careful of smoking, because it causes disorders in the production of fat and damage to the layers of the skin, which helps to the emergence of acne.
Eighth:The magazine pointed out that wearing hats leads to the acneappearance. Although the hat itself does not cause this problem, it causes sweating of the head and sweat pills on the forehead and face, which leads to the closure of the pores.
Ninth:The use of mobile phone continuously and sticking to the cheek sweating and close pores, in addition to this device transports a lot of dust and bacteria from places where it is placed.