Record decline in sales of "iPhone" .. And 3 companies beats "Apple"

Hazel Magazine
1 minute read

 By David Clayton                 August 8, 2019

Apple fell to fourth place in the world's top smartphone maker after a record drop in iPhone sales.

Sales of the new iPhone, launched by the U.S. giant, have declined as users retain older models longer due to higher prices for new models.

Apple now ranks three Asian companies, two of them from China, according to the list issued by IHS Market, according to Business Insider.

According to the list, South Korea's Samsung took first place, while China's Huawei, which became part of the U.S.-China trade war, came in second, followed by China's Obo.

According to IHS Market, Apple has dropped from the list of the world's largest smartphone manufacturers for the second quarter of 2019 due to the recent decline in sales of new iPhones, which has lost the U.S. company's grip on the smartphone market.

According to IHS Market data, Apple shipped 35.3 million iPhones in the three months to the end of June, accounted for 11 percent of the smartphone market, and Obo ranked third after it shipped 36.2 million smartphones.

Apple's downfall contributed to the fact that Samsung and Huawei, despite all their recent problems in the United States, shipped 75.1 million and 58.7 million phones, respectively, and the South Korean company thus gained a 23 percent market share, compared to 18 percent for the second.

IPhone sales fell at a record pace in the three months to March 2019, and continued to decline in the following quarter, falling 11.8 percent to $26 billion.

As Apple loses market share, Huawei is boosting that share, with iHS Market data revealing that, at this point, the Chinese company has managed to overcome the recent trade embargo in the United States, in addition to boosting sales in China.


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