Tradesatoshi stake POS coins in maintenance Status

Hazel Magazine
Tradesatoshi won't open the 1337 wallet backup in order to complete there hidden staking

 Did not ask yourself before, why Tradesatoshi freezes most active POS coins in maintenance status for long time?

We have got you covered, some users were holding 1337 (Elite Gamers coin) have noticed during the maintenance status of the coin on the platform, an (extra flag) in the configuration file disabled the wallets from stake, ironically the wallet staking is the 100% cause of it being offline, as example you want to pull out the coins but you can't, because they are suddenly not mature and can't move, a crypto exchange site can stake users coinswho owns the private keys is who can stake the coins, beside the amount they have made from trade percentage fee and withdrawals transactions.

Of course tradesatoshi won't open the 1337 wallet backup in order to complete there hidden staking process which 1337 users considered it as stealing. 1337 users checked their wallet addresses on tradesatoshi, and the addresses showed up stakes on Elite block explorer.

The users informed 1337 Elite Gamers community managers to take an action towards that robbery, they contacted tradesatoshi support and they have got the custom reply of :

Our wallet department works hard to fix that issue

In fact the wallet status had been in 3 month under maintenance status for the reason of the hidden stake process, and a lot of POS coins treated like that on that suspicious platform like: Colx coin, Buzz coin,,,,,etc.

We are calling the respectful crypto communities to kindly support us on review that suspicious crypto exchange on Trustpilot from the direct link below:

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