What do you know about hair types?

Hair is a complete reflection of your nutrition.

Before we know the types of hair, you should know that the hair is a complete reflection of your nutrition, it is important that you eat healthy food, your keenness to eat healthy is useful to stimulate the hair and increase its vitality, and reduces the fall and split ends.

How many hair are there in a human head?

In the head of every human being about one hundred thousand hair and each hair of this huge amount grow and fall at a particular time of its own. And is not linked to the presence of the rest of thousands and so hair falls, and at the same time grows another hair - and always crowned a sufficient number of hair. 90% of the head hair grows regularly and the remaining percentage they remain in a period of sleep ending either fall as a result of the growth of another hair replaced or dipped automatically.

On average, fifty hairs a day are missing from the head hair, which is an insignificant amount for the huge amount of hair in head.

Types of hair

Hair has three types and each of these three types needs special care.

Dry hair

This type of hair appears without glamour or vitality and this is the main drought features, which is exposed to continuous splitting in its ends and may be this drought due to weak activity of the sebaceous glands in the scalp or may be for external reasons that harm the hair such as the frequent use of scorching chemicals for hair in the form of dyes and others or to use the hair dryer and the straightener resulting to bad results.

Dry hair care methods

Best care methods is in the baths of oil, lotions & creams and  conditioner that suit drought, try to use them about 2 cm away from the scalp in the same if you moisturize your hair with more than one lotion. Use oils weekly and also apple cider vinegar suitable for all types of hair but use it less maximum 2 times a week.

When  you buy dry hair care products Take a deep shampoo to clean your hair - even if your hair is dry. This shampoo needs to be used every two weeks or once a week.

A weekly oil bath (Olive oil, Castor oil, or Coconut oil) can be used. Attention to your food, especially proteins.

Avoid using too hot water and soap with cheap brands, but use soap-based oil from authorized brands or medical shampoo. You should check well on shampoo before use.

You can massage hair from the outside layer away from your scalp with natural oil for easy combing and to avoid non split ends.

Greasy hair

Greasy hair features secretes excessive amounts of oils due to increased activity of the sebaceous glands than usual.

The problems of greasy hair is that it is quickly soiled and may be accompanied by the peel of hair, it needs to be constantly cared for.

Greasy hair secretes amount of large oils and is often a contiguous strand and looks like a damp. Often it has high susceptibility to dandruff and hair that attracts dust and dirt-it is quickly blown.

Greasy hair care methods

This type of hair does not need to care with creams and oils make sure to eat healthy and not exposed to the air a lot.

Avoid shower in daily basis because it's best to be twice a week or three, because in fact washing the hair on a daily basis does not reduce hair grease, on the contrary it increases.

The shampoo should contains:

Amino acids.

Vinegar or lemon juice.

Natural cleaning agents.

Choose the right shampoo which suitable for greasy hair, choose a medical company suits you best.

Also follow these tips:

Minimize the foods that increase the secretion of fat, which are foods that are sweet, spices, spices, chocolate and very hot drinks.

Normal hair

Normal hair is the hair which has a proportion of moderate fat is a hair is not characterized by dry hair or fatty hair which is mediate and there are no problems related to it.

Normal hair is low in grease, not rich in natural scalp oils, its features easy to break and split and need great care.

Normal hair care methods

The best balance using lotions and hair washing is 2-3 times a week also good, eating healthy and reduce drying and exposure of hair to heat.

Mixed hair

Between greasy and dry, the roots are greasy and the limbs are very dry - taking care of it needs time.

Tips for hair beauty

1 - The beauty of the hair is not in its softness, but in its cleanness, gloss, health, and hair styling. Therefore, the hair needs very careful care to maintain it, wash it twice a week in winter and three times in summer.

2 - Use to wash your hair shampoo of well known brands.

3 - the use of natural oils for your hair such as coconut oil, castor oil, almond oil, olive oil is very useful. The quality of these oils must be ascertained by buying them from reliable places for the great fraud in which the victim is the hair - and keep away from the mineral oils just like paraffin oil and Vaseline because these oils harmful to the skin surrounding the hair.

4 - When combing wet hair use a wide comb teeth because wet hair breaks quickly if a comb is used narrow teeth and should avoid combing hair violently without (tangle) hair first because this leads to  hair splitting.

5 - Massage the head scalp from time to time (every day or day after day) by placing the fingers tightly on the scalp and moving circular motion with the observation of the use of fingertips (without nails) and move the fingers from place to place to ensure massage of the scalp and then combing with Hair brushing This process is very useful to activate the blood circulation in the scalp and activate hair follicles, which leads to strengthening roots.

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