5 Simple tips to lose weight

Simple tips that you can follow on a daily basis and most dietitians are always advised to follow them to lose weight in a healthy and natural way.Feel depressed when summer breaks and you can't wear swimwear with your friends?. Fats around belly makes you handicapped from doing a lot of activities with your friends and family or disable you from wear the style you aim? Do not worry, today we will have some simple tips that you can follow on a daily basis and most dietitians are always advised to follow them to lose weight in a healthy and natural way.

Drink water up to 2 liter per day 

Drinking water always gives you a sense of fullness. Try as much as you can to drink water throughout the day. Try to drink up to 2 liters a day. You can divide them into 8 large glasses during your day. Try to drink half an hour before meals and two hours after meals.

Go for 30 minutes walk everyday 

Walking everyday at least for 30 minutes can burn fats, try as much as you can to forget your car or any transportation means when you are going to your workplace or even going to a nearly shopping marketplace, you can reach a nearby places with walking that helps you more to burn fats and be more fit and active in the day.

Eat fruits that contains low calories 

Fruits with low calories always give the sense of fullness, you can eat them before meals, apple, orange, kiwi, are the most fruits that are low in calories and gives the feeling of fullness. 

Include fish at least 3 times a week 

Lately some researches studies found that eating fish up to 3 times a week can help in lose weight, that refers to fish contains useful fats that can improve your body within the needed supplements without affecting your weight, try to eat fish as (fried) with olive oil is the best way to lose weight, salmons and tuna fish the best at all.

Drink green tee and lemon juice

Green tee has its own natural magic in burning fats, drink green tee in the start of your day (Notice): without sugar, if you added sugar to green tee it will lose its characteristics in burning fats. Lemon juice has the same characteristics in burning fats especially as hot drink, lemon juice also can improve your general immunity.

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