The link between sperm quality and use smartphones at night

A recent US study has linked sperm quality in males to the use of smartphones or laptops at night.

A recent US study has linked sperm quality in males to the use of phones or laptops at night, according to the American "Fox News" network, on Wednesday.

The study, released by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, found that the appearance of weak sperm was linked to using a phone and laptop at night.

"The use of smartphones in the evening, tablets after sleep, and use of television in the evening are all linked to decline in sperm quality," said lead researcher in know-how, Amit Green.

The study's preliminary results showed that men who used light-emitting devices, including tablets and smartphones, at night and after bedtime, had less active and motile sperm.

Green added: "To our knowledge, this is the first study that reveals this kind of correlation between sperm quality and exposure time to light emitted from digital media, especially smartphones and tablets, in the evening and after bedtime."

The team of researchers collected samples from 116 study participants, ages 21 to 59, who had undergone a fertility evaluation.

Participants answered questionnaires about their use of electronic devices and sleep habits, in addition to the association of poor sperm quality and the use of electronic devices at night.

The team of researchers also reported a link between sleep and sperm quality, as the researchers reported that participants who slept longer had more sperm count and more active movement.

Meanwhile, the study found that men who felt sleepier had poorer sperm quality.

Over the past few decades, the researchers said, there has been a decline in male fertility, and they note that during the same time period, there has also been widespread use of digital devices.

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