Pomegranate.. the magic fruit for pregnancy

Hazel Magazine

Pomegranate.. the magic fruit for pregnancy

Pomegranate fruit tops the list of favorite fruits for many people thanks to its delicious taste and the possibility of using it to decorate dishes and salads, but this fruit also has great benefits for women's health, especially during pregnancy. So what is it?

Pregnancy is among the difficult and complex stages for many women in the world. This stage, which lasts nine months, drains a lot of the pregnant woman's energy, and may also affect her psyche and mood, waiting for the moment of childbearing and the baby's first exit to the world.

A pregnant woman is keen to eat a variety of foods rich in vitamins that charge her with the necessary energy, and ensure that her child gets all the food he needs, for his normal development, without serious complications later.

Although there is more than one very useful food during pregnancy, pomegranate is a fruit that has been described as a "superhero" during pregnancy, because of its benefits for the mother and her fetus at the same time. A study conducted by researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital, affiliated to the prestigious Harvard University of America, indicates that a pregnant woman's daily drinking of pomegranate juice helps improve the fetal brain development process, according to the specialized scientific site, "Science Daily."

The MSN website notes that drinking pomegranate juice improves the network connectivity of the unborn baby’s brain cells. He added that consuming pomegranate juice during pregnancy has a very positive effect, as the fetus develops a kind of "protective function", which may save its life even at birth.

And the same source added that during childbirth, the child can be exposed to the risk of lack of oxygen, which is very dangerous for the brain, which may suffer permanent damage if there is a lack of oxygen.

Pomegranate great benefits

Pomegranate has amazing benefits on human health, as it lowers cholesterol and also reduces the risk of heart disease, because it contains antioxidants that help prevent platelet aggregation and reduce blood pressure, according to the German "Gesundheit" website.

The same source indicates that pomegranate also relieves arthritis pain, which is especially experienced by the elderly. It is noteworthy that a previous study concluded that pomegranate contains a specific enzyme that helps slow down the process of cartilage damage, which leads to osteoporosis.

Also, the benefits of pomegranate not only depend on physical health, but also extend to mental health. Pomegranate is an anti-depressant fruit thanks to its strong plant compounds, which positively affect the brain and reduce feelings of despair and depression.

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