Berries carries coronavirus treatment

Berries carries coronavirus treatment

In an effort to find a cure for the most severe symptoms of the new coronavirus, Canadian researchers are studying the benefits of acai berries, one of these experts has revealed.

Previous studies have shown that the berry fruit of the Acai palm, which is native to South and Central America, can reduce inflammation.

The experts noted that the coronavirus, which is spreading its infection throughout the world, may cause severe infections that lead to health complications.

The researcher Michael Farco, who has been studying the effect of this fruit on the inflammatory response for 5 years, decided to test with his colleague Anna Andreasa the effectiveness of these fruits in treating Covid-19.

"It is just an experiment," Farco told AFP. "These fruits don't cost much and are safe and accessible to everyone, so it's worth the effort."

The two experts gathered for research purposes about 580 patients diagnosed with coronavirus in Canada and Brazil, where the cultivation of this type of palm is widespread.

Half of the patients received doses of an experimental drug, while the other half got a placebo, and it is hoped that if this fruit is effective, its early intake will contribute to avoiding the worst symptoms caused by the virus that could lead to death, according to Farco.

The researcher explained that this fruit targets the same group of proteins known as "NLRP3 inflammasome" that the virus targets, and when activated, these proteins contribute to fighting infections.

It is expected that this study will take 30 days, and its results will be published at the end of this year.

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