The best and worst face masks for protecting against coronavirus

Not all masks provide protection from the coronavirus.

The coronavirus pandemic forced people to change their habits and behaviors, so that the masks becomes an important part of daily life, and the person wears it outside the home, especially in public places where there is frequent mixing.

The American Center for Disease Control and Prevention "CDC," and the majority of health authorities have made the muzzle a condition for being in public areas, but are all masks suitable for curbing the coronavirus?, and do some give the wearer a false sense of safety?

According to a study conducted by researchers from Duke University, published in the scientific journal "AAAS," some masks currently used are completely useless and do not protect against the risk of infection with the deadly virus.

Researchers from the Department of Physics conducted tests on models of masks that are currently widespread, through an experiment using a cell phone and a laser beam, and to find out the extent to which they allow the transmission of droplets that come out of the mouth during speech or not, whose data are analyzed through an equation based on calculating the drops that filter after imaging Video experiment.

The best and worst face masks for protecting against coronavirus
The masks that were subjected to tests by Duke University researchers

The tests were conducted on 14 types of masks, and they were tested 10 times.

The best protection masks, those with the "N95" code, or those that included 3 layers of protection, and even those that people made at home from cotton fabrics, were better than some types used.

The masks made of "fleece" or "headbands" or what is known as (bandana) were the least effective, which allowed droplets to come out during speech or even ventilation, which could spread in the air around a person.

The "CDC" had warned against wearing masks that contain "valves" or ventilation openings, "as they could allow the exit or entry of droplets and sprays or talking."

The warning indicated that medical masks that bear the symbol "N95" and contain valves or filters, provide protection for the wearer, unlike those that carry valves without specifying the true degree of safety that they provide.

The novel coronavirus has killed nearly 730,000 people, at least, since it appeared in China at the end of December, according to an AFP census based on official sources.

And nearly 20 million infections have been officially recorded in 196 countries and regions with the virus since the start of the outbreak, of which, as of Sunday, 11 million and 665 thousand and 200 people have recovered, at least.

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