Corona deaths in the United States.. The risk curve is on the rise

The United States recorded 1,297 additional deaths from the novel coronavirus within 24 hours.

According to the Johns Hopkins University countdown at 20:30 Thursday.

This brings the total number of deaths in the country as a result of the virus to 101,573.

On Wednesday, the United States crossed the threshold of 100,000 deaths from the novel coronavirus, in excess of the recorded death toll in any other country, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Since the country crossed the threshold of 100,000 deaths, the US President has written more than 40 tweets on other topics, without addressing the epidemic. But on Thursday he returned and expressed his condolences to the relatives of those who died from the virus.

The United States recorded its first death with Covid-19 in late February, but now, the number of people infected with the epidemic on US soil has reached 1.720,613, according to Baltimore-based Johns Hopkins University, knowing that experts consider the announced figures to be much lower than the actual number of injuries and deaths.

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