She bought a nuggets meal for her daughter. And found out the shocking surprise

Chicken feet inside a fried piece of meat By Julia Chang                 

A British woman and her daughter needed to eat a meal in haste, only to find the famous McDonald's, which was shocked while eating there.

Laura Popsey, 27, who lives in Surrey, southern England, said she and her daughter went to McDonald's for a quick meal to find out if a small chicken's foot was found inside the "nuggets" fried chicken, the British newspaper The Sun reported Monday.

She said she was disgusted, while her 6-year-old daughter was shocked, she told the newspaper.

Popsey displayed the piece containing the chicken's foot in a video she posted on her blog for "motherhood and lifestyle".

The video clearly shows the small chicken's foot inside the meat piece, and she said that because of the way McDonald's brings food, this can easily happen.

She said she was vegetarian and not fond of restaurants like McDonald's, but she needed a quick meal after her daughter finished her school day, so he went to the nearby restaurant.

The mother broke the fried chicken into small pieces, so the little girl could eat comfortably, so she could find out the "disgusting".

She sent a complaint to the restaurant manager, whom she said that he had done little about it.

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