Science reveals: No dark side of the moon

Hazel Magazine

Science related to the moon is constantly evolvingContrary to what was customary, a former NASA scientist revealed that there is no dark side to the moon, and that all parts of this Earth's object are exposed to the sun at some point.

Scientist James O'Donoghue, who currently works for the Japan Space Agency, said there is no dark side of the moon all the time, and that all parts of the moon are exposed to sunlight at some point, according to Business Insider.

It was previously known that the distant part of the moon remains dark all the time, and the sun does not reach it, but O'Donoghue announced his discovery, which refutes this theory.

O'Donoghue wrote on Twitter: "Remember when we always said there was a dark side of the moon, my new discovery indicates that the dark side is constantly moving," exposing him to sunlight.

A video posted by O'Donoghue showed the moon's rotation around the Earth, and the sun's rays hitting all its parts without exception, within 29.5 days.

The far side of the moon is dark for us, because the sun's rays do not reach it, but the new discovery shows that the distant side is not fixed, but changes due to the rotation of the moon, which means that all parts of the moon will be struck by darkness and light, at different times during the year.

O'Donoghue noted that the phrase "the dark side" should be transformed into the phrase "far side" of the moon, because it is more scientifically accurate.

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