French fries spark a dispute between the EU and Colombia
personHazel Magazine
October 25, 2019
By Alexander James October 26, 2019
The European Commission on Monday announced its intention to appeal to the World Trade Organization (WTO) to object to anti-dumping customs duties imposed by Colombia on french fries imported from Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands.
"Today I requested the launch of a conflict resolution route before the World Trade Organization (WTO) against Colombia as soon as possible," Said Cecilia Malström, European Commissioner for Trade, at a press conference.
Malström said the measures announced by Bogotá in November 2018 were "totally unjustified and harmful to European companies."
She recalled the EU's multiple efforts to reach an agreement with the Colombian government, "but all efforts have failed," AFP reported.
The Belgian Association of Sector Specialists (Belgacom) praised the European Commissioner's remarks, praising the support it has provided since the outbreak of the trade dispute.
"We are very happy," said Roman Coles, secretary-general of The Belgacom, noting that Colombia's measures "are protectionist."
He noted that Colombia was the third country after South Africa and Brazil to take such measures, saying that "this phenomenon should be reduced".
Belgium last year produced about two million tonnes of french fries, 90 percent of which was exported, According to Coles.