North Korean leader pursues "new weapon" test

Hazel Magazine
1 minute read

 By Simon Kira               August 11, 2019

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Saturday continued to test a new weapon developed to suit the country's topography, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said.

South Korea said North Korea apparently fired two short-range missiles, describing it as a show of force in the face of new joint military exercises with the United States.

Early Saturday, North Korea fired two unidentified projectiles towards the Eastern Sea.

The South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff clarified today that North Korea fired two unidentified projectiles near the eastern coastal city of Ham Hyung in the southern province of Ham Kyung towards the Eastern Sea.

The South Korean military is closely monitoring the situation in anticipation of possible further launches while maintaining a standby position, the Agency said.

South Korean and U.S. intelligence authorities are conducting a joint analysis of the projectiles to reveal their details, including flight distance, altitude, type, etc.

This comes just four days after the North launched two short-range ballistic missiles on August 6th, the fifth of its kind since July 25th.


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