Tips to avoid neck pain

Hazel Magazine

With a fast lifestyle and long working hours, many people suffer from neck aches also known as Cervicalgia.With a fast lifestyle and long working hours, many people suffer from neck aches also known as Cervicalgia, unaware that the way they exercise their daily tasks may be the cause.

With the technological advances we are experiencing today, human has become closely associated with a mobile phone or computer, which greatly affects the position of the body, and may be the cause of pain.

Doctors are advised to try to keep the head straight as long as possible, meaning that the person does not tilt his head to one side for a long time, and it is necessary to be committed to a certain seating when using the computer, or other activities.

When using your computer

When using a computer in the office, doctors are advised to lift the chair enough to touch the ground person without having to bend them too much, keeping the back straight and resting it on the back of the chair.

A small lower back cushion can also be placed to feel more comfortable, according to the Harvard Medical School website.

If you use a laptop or tablet, it is better to buy a separate keyboard and connect it to the device so that it can be used for a long time is easier.

It is also necessary to place the device at an appropriate level in front of the user's eyes.

Regardless of the quality of the office or chair used by the person, it is necessary to get breaks to stand and move, and do stretching exercises.

When using the phone

If you're the one who spends a lot of time on their phones, try to avoid tilting your head towards one side, especially if you are talking on the mobile phone while you are in a non-sitting position.

Headphones, earphones, or speakers are good options to help keep your head in neutral mode for hands-free conversations.

When reading

If you sit on a chair while reading, be sure to keep your back straight and hold the book with your hands so that you do not have to tilt your head down or your whole body forward.

For those who like to read in bed, they should sit straight and put a comfortable pillow behind the back, or lying on their sides, while the neck is straight, and put the book forward.

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