6 Foods speed up the appearance of acne

Hazel Magazine

Many factors that contribute to the emergence of acne, including the diet.The effects of "acne" of scarring are troublesome skin problems experienced by many, especially since getting rid of them is not easy.

There are many factors that contribute to the emergence of acne, including the diet plays a key role in it, according to the site, "Health Line" specialized in medical news.

The site pointed to a number of foods that lead to the emergence of "acne" based on research and medical studies several:

1. Whole grains and sugars: People with acne tend to consume more refined carbohydrates, which are generally bad for health.

Research has found that foods with high levels of refined carbohydrates (whole grains and sugars) affect blood sugar and insulin levels.

Experts say there is a close relationship between excess levels of insulin and acne.

2. Dairy products: Several studies have found a link between milk products and the emergence of acne in adolescents, who found that those who drink milk or eat ice cream regularly were four times more likely to be infected with acne, compared to others who eat these foods at a lower rate.

3. Fast food: Acne is linked to a diet rich in calories, fats and refined carbohydrates, as burgers, fries, soda and milk increase the risk of the emergence of acne significantly.

4. Foods rich in Omega 6: Diets that contain a large proportion of corn and soybean oils, which is rich in Omega 6 fats, pushing the body to the inflammatory state of inflammation, which accelerates the emergence of acne.

Eating Omega 3 fatty acids, such as fish, reduces inflammation levels.

5. Chocolates: Chocolate is one of the causes of acne, a recent study found that males who consume 25 grams of dark chocolate a day are more susceptible to skin disease.

6. Protein Powder: Whey Protein is a popular dietary supplement rich in amino acids that speeds the growth of skin cells and makes them more divided, leading to acne.

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