Nettle root extract benefits for hair and androgenetic alopecia resistance for male

Hazel Magazine
The nettle plant play an important role in combating baldness, due to inhibit the production of dihydrotestosterone.

Nettle is a plant that may have many benefits for hair, and in the following we will introduce you to the most important benefits of nettle for hair:

Benefits of nettle for hair

1. Promote hair growth

Nettles may help promote the growth of hair on the head, and this type of nettle benefits for hair is often attributed to the richness of nettles in important natural compounds for hair growth, such as: silica and sulfur, and these compounds specifically may help promote hair growth and protect it from falling out.

2. Resisting and treating baldness

The nettle plant may play an important role in combating baldness, due to the fact that nettles contain:

Compounds (β-sitosterol), which may help stimulate the production of vascular endothelial growth factor. This factor is a substance that stimulates the growth of new blood vessels, which may contribute to promoting and supporting hair growth in the scalp.

Compounds that may help regulate levels of sex hormones and inhibit the production of dihydrotestosterone, a hormone whose high levels may cause damage to the follicles.

Therefore, one of the potential benefits of nettle for hair is that it may help treat telogen effluvium and combat baldness (Alopecia), especially baldness associated with imbalances in hormone levels in males.

3. Fight infections and some scalp problems

Nettle may help improve scalp health in general and combat some of its problems, as nettle may help:

Resisting and treating some types of infections that may arise in the scalp area, such as eczema, as the nettle herb has powerful natural anti-inflammatory properties.

Resisting some types of fungal and bacterial problems that may affect the scalp, as nettles have natural antimicrobial properties (Antimicrobial).

Anti-dandruff, which may cause visible and clear scales on the scalp and between hair strands.

4. Other nettle benefits for hair

Nettle may also have many other potential benefits for hair, such as:

Resist the problem of oily hair or oily scalp.

Hair nourishment.

Stimulating the healing of bleeding wounds in the scalp area.

Ways and recipes to collect the benefits of nettles for hair

To take advantage of nettles to improve hair health and combat baldness, here are some methods and home recipes that may help you:

Nettle and herbal lotion: to combat baldness

One way to get the potential benefits of nettle for hair is by using this herb to make a natural hair wash. This is how to prepare nettle hair lotion:

Prepare the nettle lotion ingredients: 10 tablespoons of dried nettle leaves, 7 tablespoons of lavender flowers, 5 tablespoons of rosemary, 6 tablespoons of dried sage, and 2 cups of water.

All the aforementioned herbs are placed in a pot on the fire, and two cups of water are poured over them.

The ingredients are left to boil over a low heat for 15 minutes, then the pot is removed from the heat.

The liquid is filtered from the herbs after its temperature drops, then the liquid is placed in an empty and clean container.

Wash your hair with this liquid while taking a shower, after you have finished cleaning your hair with water and shampoo.

Massage the scalp with nettle lotion, leave the lotion on the hair and scalp for 5 minutes, then wash the hair with plain water.

Nettle and rosemary lotion: to combat dandruff

This recipe may be especially useful for those who suffer from dandruff, so, to obtain the benefits of nettles for hair in fighting dandruff, this is one of the available methods:

Prepare the nettle lotion ingredients: 1 tablespoon of dried nettle leaves, 1 tablespoon of dried rosemary leaves, 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, and 2 cups of water.

Water is boiled in a pot on fire.

Dry herbs are placed in a special bowl, then boiling water is added to it, the bowl is covered and left aside for 20 minutes.

Strain the mixture from the rest of the herbs after it cools down, then add apple cider vinegar to it.

The resulting liquid is then used as a lotion to rinse the hair after cleaning it with water and shampoo.

The scalp is massaged with lotion, and the lotion is left on the hair and scalp for 4 minutes before rinsing off the hair with clean water.

Other ways to make use of nettles

These are some other ways that may help to get the benefits of nettle for hair:

1. Apply nettle oil to the scalp before taking a shower

To make this oil, a handful of nettle leaves are soaked in a cup of olive oil, and this mixture is left in a closed container for a month, then the oil becomes usable.

2. Use nettle lotion without additives

To make this lotion, a handful of nettle leaves are added to half a liter of water, and the mixture is left to boil for several minutes, then filtered and used as a hair rinse when it cools.

3. Other methods

Such as: taking nettle supplements, and drinking nettle tea.

Nettle side effects

After we reviewed the benefits of nettles for hair, we have to note the possible damages and complications of nettles, and here is an overview of them:

- Irritation or rash may be severe, especially if the necessary precautions are not taken while picking and using nettles. Nettle leaves are covered with small hairs and thorns, and these thorns may introduce substances that may irritate the skin.

- Complications for pregnant and breastfeeding women, as nettles may stimulate uterine contractions or abortion.

- Digestive problems, such as diarrhea.

- Other problems and complications, such as: low blood pressure, kidney problems, low blood sugar levels, and sweating.

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