Eating habits weaken the immune system. Get rid of it immediately.

Excessive intake of sugars weakens the immune system

Maintaining the strength of the immune system is one of the most important things one must take care of at the present time, especially in light of the continued outbreak of the novel coronavirus pandemic in various countries of the world.

In order to work to boost immunity, a person must be selective in the foods he eats, especially those that help support the immune system, as well as avoid behaviors and foods that can weaken the body's immunity.

A report by the "Health" website, which specializes in medical news, mentioned 6 eating habits that must be avoided in order to enhance the body's natural defenses:

Excessive consumption of table salt

Excess sodium in the body may be associated with problems such as fluid retention in the body and high blood pressure.

A recent study by researchers at the University Hospital Bonn, Germany, concluded that excessive salt intake may weaken immunity. The researchers found that when the kidneys secrete excess sodium, chemical effects occur in the body, reducing the ability to combat bacterial infections.

While Covid-19 is a viral disease, complications from the disease can lead to secondary bacterial infections.

According to nutritional guidelines, the daily recommended limit for healthy adults of sodium is less than 2,300 mg.

Excessive intake of sugar

Reducing the intake of sugars is a good idea to maintain mental health, in addition to that it enhances the immunity in the body.

And a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that consuming 100 grams of sugar after one night fasting reduced the ability of immune cells in the body to fight bacteria for up to five hours.

The American Heart Association recommends that you limit sugar intake to no more than 24 grams for women and 36 grams for men daily.

Caffeine intake in large quantities

Taking tea, coffee and caffeine-rich drinks affects hours of sleep, which increases the chances of complications from infections and immune suppression, according to research conducted by scientists at the German "Lubeck" University.

To better support the immune function, caffeinated drinks should be eliminated and not drinking carbonated and energy drinks, and doctors recommend not drinking caffeine at least six hours before bedtime.

Not eating fiber

Fiber supports the health of the digestive system and helps to change the composition of intestinal bacteria in ways that enhance both the immunity and the general mood of a person.

Research by Columbia University Medical Center revealed that consuming greater amounts of dietary fiber supports immune cell functions, including protection against viruses.

Experts advise women to consume at least 25 grams of fiber, while the men's daily serving of fiber is estimated at 38 grams.

Avoid eating vegetables

Research has confirmed that eating green vegetables is beneficial to the body because it provides the main nutrients and vitamins that help in strengthening immunity, including vitamin "A" and "C", in addition to folic acid.

Green vegetables contain active compounds that stimulate the body to improve immunity in the intestine, the site of the largest immune cells in the body.

Drinking alcohol

Excessive alcohol consumption, even in the short term, can alter the composition of the immune system for the worse in the human body, according to a study by the US National Institute of Alcohol and Addiction.

According to studies, alcohol can increase susceptibility to pneumonia and severe acute respiratory syndrome (ARDS).

Alcohol consumption also increases the risk of "infection", increased incidence of postoperative complications, slow wound healing and disease recovery.

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