Using phone in the toilet increase the chances of infection with coronavirus
personHazel Magazine
March 18, 20201 minute read
The British newspaper "Mirror" said that people who use the phone inside the toilet increase their chances of infection with the novel coronavirus.
The source stated that the bacteria in the toilet may transfer them to the screen of your phone, which makes you vulnerable to infection, even if you wash your hands after going out, given that the bacteria moved to the phone, during your use of it.
"You could be washing your hands, but if you start touching your smartphone screen and then touch your face, that is a potential route of infection," said Professor William Keevil of the University of Southampton.
It is known that coronaviruscan live for two to nine hours on surfaces such as metal, glass, and plastic.
Previous studies have indicated that a person's phone contains up to 17,000 bacterial species.
And a survey, conducted by the company JellyBean, found that 54 percent of Britons confessed to using their phones in the toilet.