Egypt.. a "loud surprise" regarding Corona's only case

Hazel Magazine
Egypt.. a loud surprise regarding Coronas only case

Both the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population and the World Health Organization announced that the result of the "PCR" analysis of a foreign person who was discovered to be a carrier of the novel coronavirus while in Egypt was negative, 48 hours after entering the hospital designated for isolation.

The consultant of the Minister of Health and Population for Media Affairs and the official spokesman of the Ministry, Khaled Mujahid, explained that while following the medical team of the foreign person and conducting periodic checks and analyzes, a "PCR" analysis was performed for him under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and Population and the World Health Organization, for a period of six times over a period of three Consecutive days, the result of the analysis is negative every time.

He added that the health of the person was monitored through the medical teams around the clock in the hospital designated for isolation, as his health was good and he did not show any symptoms during that period.

For his part, the representative of the World Health Organization in Egypt, John Jabbour, pointed out that all measures taken to monitor this situation were carried out in full coordination with the World Health Organization and in accordance with its scientific and technical guidelines, especially with regard to laboratory procedures.

Mujahid stressed that the Minister of Health and Population, Hala Zayed, continues to follow the 24-hour crisis room, raise the degree of maximum preparedness in all ports and airports at the republic level, and follow the situation first-hand regarding the Coronavirus, stressing that all preventive and precautionary measures are taken.

The Ministry of Health and Population of Egypt and the World Health Organization announced in a joint statement, Friday, the confirmation of the first infection with the Coronavirus, pointing out that the patient is a "foreigner" and not an Egyptian citizen.

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